The sky was empty of eyes. Finally. Their liquor tainted patients had out smarted theorized creators. Shoulders, light and eager carried supplies for a rotation away from the sofa. Y, younger and inexperienced followed X with a comfortable anxiety. X relinquished his with a four pack of Dry English Hard Apple Cider as they let the flowing mist carry them through buildings and trees. The darkness was thick. Only the flames of someone’s mistake gave us direction of our destination. Color faded in this grey harbor town. Childhood seemed to be lost. X was at home and Y understood. Then they met Z.
Y found this as a challenge and slid his sounds out of his mouth into a sword of speech. Z quickly embraced his bow and similarly slid an arrow from his mouth and prepared his weapon. Flurries of communication whirl pooled and angered the flame increasing its size and intense heat. Z and Y found themselves battling breath. Arrows grazed Y’s coat and hard thrusts swung wide of Z’s dialogue. Suddenly, through the shadows, X emerged glowing with grammatical furry. He was shielded with the finest of verbs and adjectives and armed with the wildest tales and facts. Combative conversation was declared and war waged through the evening until the last drop of another minds sweet nectar fell to the fires. Still, no equation had been solved.